Sunday, August 31, 2008

Mastering the chatting lingo

You know your boss is chatting during office hour. You know your boss is chatting with someone, a scandal rather, in the office. You know when your boss is giving excuses to delay department or weekly face-to-face meeting for five minutes, not because he/she is sending out email or finishing up paperwork but, he/she is saying goodbye in the chatroom.

As soon as you know it, work hard to get your boss' nickname. Say, you found out that his nickname is Charlie or Max Cheng.

The next time when you appear in front of him for a meeting and he says, "Can you give me five more minutes?", you should say, "Ok Charlie, b.r.b..."

Or the next time he try to tease you in the pantry or along the walkway and you feel like to puke, hold on and just say, "Colon, hyphen, close bracket..."

Or then next time you bumped into him flirting and try to cover up with the chatmate/scandal and you feel like jumping off the office building, just say, "Semi colon, hyphen, a capital D..."

Or the next time when he try to crack a stupid joke during your department meeting and you feel like masturbating, you should say, "Owh... r.o.t.f.l..."

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