Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hiring mistake!

You've been struggling to come to terms with your boss. Every conversation will eventually turn to a high-pitch argument. Even a friendly gesture like, "How are you" may end up with "Mind your own business!" And at the end of every conversation, or argument, both you and your boss leave the room with the expression "I want to kill you!" written on both faces.

And you've been wondering. Whether, it is your boss is the one who is really suck? Or is it you are the one who is incompetent to handle pressures?

But, you'll have the answer of what you've been wondering all this while. When you hear your boss' boss admits that hiring your boss was a mistake. And your boss' boss describes your boss, among all (the stupids, all the f words, idiots), your boss is NOT TACTFUL. Yes, your boss is NOT TACTFUL! But, that's still the most polite way of describing your boss.

So, stop wondering. You're GOOD! It is your boss who SUCKS!

tactful = lacking or showing a lack of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others

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