Monday, February 25, 2008

Bootlicker's performance rating

It's appraisal time. An all-year round above-par performance wouldn't assure an above-average rating and year-end incentive/bonus and salary increment. More so, if bell curve is applied in the appraisal system, when more often than not you'll see the same person will occupy the right tail of the bell curve.

In cases when you have two persons, one a bootlicker and the other is not, having almost similar performance rating but with only one slot for above-average incentives, the bootlicker will prevail.

And one of the elements that qualify a bootlicker for an above-par performance for last year, was the willingness an ability to scratch boss' back, top or bottom (glove is not allowed)... :-)

"Helo Bos" by Dee (Utusan Malaysia, 25 Feb 2008)

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